Granola with Quizes

Sunday, August 12, 2007


1. Your ex and You = haven't met each other yet.
2. I am listening to = Jewel Pharmacy commercial on Radio Disney. Song before that, What Time Is It? By Hsm2. Then, My fave, Potential Break-Up Song By Aly & AJ.
3. Maybe I should = check out the sci. fair books I checked yesterday.
4. I love = clothes.
5. My best friend(s) = are meeting up at my house on Saturday for a fun picnic day full of volleyball and smores!
6. I don't understand = anti-femenists.
7. I have lost my respect for = McDonalds when I became environmentally aware. I've been boycotting them for the past six months.
8. I last ate = chicken nuggets.
9. The meaning of my display name is = I love granola!
10. God = I want some gold skinny jeans!
11. Someday = I will live in France, in the city.
12. I will always be = a total girly girl with big dreams who loves to read and make the world a better place.
13. Love seems = happy.
14. I never ever want to lose = my loved ones.
15. My Blog is = a place for me to go crazy.
17. I get annoyed when = the terms "white" or "black" people are used. I find them offensive, have we not made progress.
18. Parties = are fun, especially when I get to dance.
20. Simple kisses = are pure innocence
21. Today I = will take a shower, whoa that makes me sound like I never do.
22. I wish = life wasn't so complicated, confusing, and crazy.-----------------------------------------------------------

01. is your hair wet? No
02. is your cell phone right by you? No, I don't own one.
03. do you miss someone? Yes.
04. are you wearing chapstick? Yes, but I feel like applying nore, it's a bit of an addiction.
05. are you tired? No, not really.
06. are you wearing pajamas? Half.
08. are you mad? No.
09. are you upset? No.

01. recently done anything you regret? I belive so.
02. ever lied? ever..? Yes. But never really anything huge.
03. ever put gum underneath a desk? Ok, maybe a few times but there was no way I could get to paper or something to wrap it in. Karma has got me back for it, so I've done my time!
04. ever kicked someone? Kind of.
05. ever tripped over your own feet? Yes, and it was funny.
01. have you cursed? Yes, but I don't like to.
02. have you gotten mad at someone? Yes, but I don't think that's a good thing.------------------------------------------------------------

Q: is there a person who is on your mind right NOW?Yes.
Q: do you have any siblings?Yep, a sister.
Q: do you smile often?Yes, I like my crooked smile, it shows of my cute dimples. I'm one of a kind, LOL.
Q: do you untie your shoes every time you take them off?No, I'm super girly-girl, I hardly use sneakers, and the two I own (I repeat two, one pair from last year and this years) are slides, no shoelaces.
Q: do you like your handwriting?I love my handwriting it's unique so I can't really describe it.
Q: are your toenails painted?Just about always. Right now, they are a silverish brown. My fingernails are a maroon red with gold flecks.
Q: are you a friendly person?Yeah, I believe so.
Q: who's bed other than yours do you sleep in?Just mine.
Q: what color shirt are you wearing?Royal blue, I haven't changed uniform yet, and that's my school's color along with white.
Q: what were you doing at 7pm yesterday?I was working on my homework, listening to the radio, and surfing the net at the same time.
Q: I can't wait until:I get to enjoy all the amenities of graduating the eight grade.

last time you prank called someone?A few months ago, during winter. I e-pranked someone like a few days ago, though.
last time you skipped school/class?Never. Sorry.
last time you called your best friend?I think it was last week, but I talk to her everday at shool, and she called me today.
last time you tried to tell someone how you feel?Today, not like OMG I like you.
last time you had someone call?Today at like 6.
last time you twisted your ankle?I was 3, and it was my birthday party. Tear, tear.
last time you drove?I can't drive, not sixteen.
last time you cried?A few days ago.
last time you pushed someone:Today, but me and my best friend were plating around.
last time you laughed?Today, I was playing with my mom.
last time you rented a dvd?Whoa, years back.
last time you worked?Today at school.

-Taken on Thursday

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Main Jane.

badge Which PLAIN Jane Are You?

Main Jane

As the leader of the pack, you are always looking out for your friends and working to make your group pretty tight knit.

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